When people think of renewable energy, solar panels or windmills are often the first images that come to mind. Yet half of global renewable energy comes from sustainable bioenergy, according to energy policy think tank REN21…
Javier Farago Escobar, a Harvard postdoctoral fellow in environmental sciences and engineering, founded BiomassTrust, a startup dedicated to removing harmful chlorine from Brazilian eucalyptus wood pellets. The startup aims to combat climate change…
TEDx was created in the spirit of TED’s mission, “ideas worth spreading.” It supports independent organizers who want to create a TED-like event in their own community.
More than 60 percent of that sustainable bioenergy is produced by burning wood pellets, but their potential as a renewable energy source remains limited. Pellets generated from vast, tropical eucalyptus forests are banned in many countries because burning them generates…
Aos 34 anos de idade, o engenheiro florestal Javier Farago Escobar carrega um currículo invejável. Durante seu doutorado em Energia no Instituto de Energia e Ambiente (IEE) da USP…
O engenheiro florestal Javier Farago Escobar, 34, de São Paulo, é fundador da startup BiomassTrust, que ele criou estudando em Harvard…
Javier Escobar, doutor em Energia pelo Instituto de Energia e Ambiente (IEE) da USP, Orientado pelo professor José Goldemberg, sua tese de doutorado foi premiada como Tese Destaque USP de 2017.

Impressive! – This isn’t likely venture with the capital required. But an exciting project!
Harvard Innovation Lab
Harvard President's Innovation Challenge

The pellet produced by Javier is the pellet that meets the environmental European standards, and can be exported!
José Goldemberg Ph.D.
Brazilian Scientific Leader and Politian

This is a potential game-changing idea. BiomassTrust’s value proposition is strong and positioned well for the push to further climate change goals in the near term.
Harvard Innovation Lab
Harvard President's Innovation Challenge

A major global challenge is setting up a commodity capable of being a green alternative to coal. Doubtless, BiomassTrust’s technological solution represents an outstanding contribution in this direction.
Hudson Mendonça
Champion MIT REAP Brazil

Fascinating transformative technology filling a market need!
Harvard Innovation Lab
Harvard President's Innovation Challenge

This energy solution could have a powerful impact on reducing emissions while providing stable energy to consumers.
Harvard Innovation Lab
Harvard President's Innovation Challenge
We are aligned to 7 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix is fundamental to achieving higher levels of economic productivity and promoting decent job creation through diversification, technological upgrading, and innovation.
Displacing fossil fuels for BiomassTrus’t wood pellets also delivers carbon emissions savings through restoring degraded land, implementation of sustainable management and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally.

BiomassTrust is an academic spin-off founded in spring 2020 at Harvard Innovation Labs. Prior to becoming a company, we build a consistent technology supported by awards and honors, patents, industrial and commercial validation, and the world’s first eucalyptus wood pellets fuel certification.
2015 feb
“Young Researcher Brazilian Project”
Biomass Brazilian project recognized by OÖEnergiesparverband and Intelligent Energy Europe-EU in World Sustainable Energy Days. Austria.
2015 oct
“Brazilian Prize of Innovation and Technology on Biomass”
Supported by World Bioenergy Association. Brazil
2016 oct
Patent Deposit
World: PCT/WIPO; & Brazil: INPI/BR.
2017 SEP
“USP Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award”
First place winner, University of São Paulo. Brazil
2018 APR
Patent Accepted in 198 countries
2018 OCT
Technology Industrial Validation
(MVP – Minimum Value Product) in Bahia State, Brazil.
2018 NOV
TEDx Talk
Worldwide presentation of Intellectual Property solution
2019 APR
Brazilian Patent Granted
2019 MAI
European Union Patent Filled
2019 MAI
Vietnamese Patent Filled
2019 OCT
Obtained the world’s first certified eucalyptus wood pellet fuel
2019 NOV
Demand Validation
Our MVP sold 300 containers of chloride-free eucalyptus wood pellet fuel to European Union
2020 FEB
BiomassTrust Founded
Venture Program at Harvard Innovation Labs, Harvard University. USA.
2020 MAR
Spark Grants Award
Harvard Innovation Labs. USA
2021 JAN
BiomassTrust Featured Story
School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Harvard University. USA.
2021 JAN
Harvard President’s Innovation Challenge Semi-Finalist
Harvard University. USA
2021 APR
BiomassTrust LLC.
Massachusetts, USA
We speed up carbon neutrality from the largest non-intermittent renewable energy worldwide!
Javier Farago Escobar
Javier developed BiomassTrust’s patented process. He is a Harvard Postdoc in Environmental Science and Engineering ’22 at Harvard School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, and an expert in biofuel & bioenergy. He serves as Lead Country Contributor/Brazil in the UN Environment-Renewable Global Status Report (REN21); and Director at Harvard GSAS Business Club. Javier holds a Ph.D. in Energy with highest honors from University of São Paulo.
Jório Dauster
Jório joined the Brazilian Foreign Service in ’61, having retired in ‘98 as Ambassador to the European Union. Dealt with international trade issues for most of his professional life, having served as Chief Negotiator of Brazil’s External Debt, CEO of Vale, President of the Brazilian Coffee Institute, also as Chairman of the International Coffe Organization, Ferrous (Brazil), and member of the International Advisory Committee of Iberdola (Spain).
Mai Hoang
Mai is a BA. in Applied Math x Economics ’24 at Harvard University, and a renewable energy expert advising capital management firms like Farallon; Black Diamond; Javelin; and Blackstone. Mai is a UNDP Consultant at Climate Hub in Vietnam, also serves as a Director at Harvard Undergraduate Law Review; and President at Harvard Undergraduate Capital Partners.
Yuanchao Fan
Fan is a Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Postdoc at Harvard Center for the Environment, and an expert in forests, with experience in vegetation carbon and energy cycles of ecosystems across tropical regions. He received his PhD degrees in Bioclimatology from University of Göttingen; and Functional Ecology & Agricultural Sci. from AgroParisTech.
Diego Rauter
Diego spent 20 years advising institutional clients on high-value and complex corporate transactions worldwide firms. He led execution to raise and advise clients in 30+ transactions (US$10Bi), served as Vice President at Credit Suisse; Director at BR Partners; Assoc. at Bank of America Merrill Lynch; ABN AMRO Bank and BNP Paribas. Diego holds a BBA from Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil & Tulane University, USA.
Leandro Augusto Colombo
Colombo spent 17 years advising global industrial companies such as Randon, Marcopolo, Polirim, and many others on business process and cost management, with experience in financial management and controlling industrial project costs. He holds a BA and MSc in Manufacturing Engineering from UCS and received his MBA at Unisinos University, Brazil.
Flavio Ferreira
Flavio spent 11 years working on logistics, supply chain integration, and operational viability in global companies like Vale, Marovick, and many others. He is an expert in the Brazilian eucalyptus market and woody-base raw material supply chain, exporting across the US and Europe. Flavio received his BA degree in Business Administration and Production Engineering at FAESA, Brazil.
Otoniel Duarte
Prior to joining BiomassTrust, Otoniel spent 7 years managing the industrial process at the largest Latin American wood pellets company (Florespel, Brazil). He acquired solid industry experience in the world’s largest wood pellets fuel producer and trader (German Pellets, Germany). He holds a BA degree in Business Administration at UCB Boston. USA, and an MBA in Unopar, Brazil.
Joao Bonotto Casagrande
Joao Victor has 06 years of experience in commercial planning and business operations across Asia, the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East. He led 1GW of renewable energy commercial execution, raising more than $1Bi in business operations. Thus, helping entrepreneurs, and corporations, like Tsun, Sunova, Growatt, Brazilwall, and IBRAP.