BiomassTrust´s founder is a Lead Contributor to the largest Global Renewable Energy Report

abril 4th, 2022

BiomassTrust´s founder is a Lead Contributor to the largest Global Renewable Energy Report

abril 4th, 2022

Since its start 15 years ago and with its annual release of an updated edition, REN21’s Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) has grown to become one of the most respected and highly referenced resources for reporting the situation of renewable energies.

Contents of the report are developed by the REN21 Secretariat based at UN Environment in Paris, to shape the energy debate and to contribute to increasing the share of renewables in the energy mix of countries and worldwide. From 2017 to date, the BiomassTrust founder Javier Farago Escobar is a Lead Country Contributor for Brazil to Renewables Global Status Report. He also serves as an expert specialist for individual sections of the report.

Published in June 2021, the “Renewables 2021 Global Status Report” is the most recent edition of REN21’s (GSR). In addition to providing data and analyses about the different renewable energies across different sectors and policies, GSR compiles the developments and trends in the adoption of renewable energies worldwide and in specific regions, countries, and sectors. On extensive data collection, REN21 is an authoritative think tank and international multi-stakeholder network with more than 65 member organizations, which comprises governments, non-governmental organizations, industry associations, academic and scientific institutions, and sector leaders.

REN21’s unique renewable energy reporting culture has earned the organization a reputation as a neutral data and knowledge broker that provides credible and widely accepted information. All data and information are openly available to be used to advocate for a sustainable energy future. The report undergoes extensive review by registered experts before publication. Contributors and reviewers are not necessarily affiliated with one of the REN21 member organizations. While much of the assessment uses official statistical country data.

The Renewables Global Status Report is a highly comprehensive and rich resource for academic and non-academic readers in search of up-to-date and reliable information about renewable energies. The report also formulates policy recommendations; therefore, it also aims to directly address policymakers. A very positive feature of GSR is that key figures are made available for download in high resolution on the website.

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By CriaTec